Mulberry is a British luxury design brand which was founded by Roger Saul in the 1970’s. It was world famous for making products such as high quality leather bags and more leather products. It caters to the fashion needs of men and women, especially those who need leather handbags, home interior items, luggage, and other leather products.
Mulberry bags are available in different styles such as handbags, shoulder bags, totes, shopping bags, and purses. They are offered in colors which are mostly earthy in nature – chalk, black, oak, and chocolate. These bags are also made out of high quality materials such as elegant Scotchgrain to exotic Darwin.
More about Mulberry handbags and purses on sale >>>
Currently, the luxury design company is banking on its hit and hottest messenger bag called Antony. The bag was designed with men as the users in mind. However, the women also liked it and it has ever since become a hit more than the company’s first two famous products, Roxanne and Bayswater bags.
The customers can avail of the Mulberry products in stores in London, particularly in stores such as Harrods, House of Fraser, and Selfridges. In the USA, Mulberry luxury products are available in Bergdorf, Neiman Marcus, and other luxury shops across the country.
For those Mulberry fans and customers who would like to avail of Mulberry products but cannot afford to do so can buy Mulberry fakes such as Mulberry fake handbag, even the famous Roxanne and Bayswater bags. There are many online shops which offer these bags at more affordable prices, considerably much lower than the prices of the original Mulberry bags.
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