Category: Designer Handbags
History of Gucci Bags and their Replica Versions
Guccio Gucci made the existence of Gucci bags possible. The fashion company was given way to when the Gucci family traded their shop which sold…
Christian Dior Designs in Replica Bags
Christian Dior was another French designer who was one of the fashion icons in the 1950’s. His rose to fashionista fame was interesting. The designer…
Be Girly with Chloe Paddington Bags
In 2005, there was a rounded, very feminine bag that came out. Ever since, it has been considered as the “it bag” which was also…
Givenchy Fashion Bags and the Fakes
The French are really creative in the sense of their being natural-born fashionistas. They seemed to have the ability to capture the universal taste of…