When you are looking for simple elegance in luxurious products, that would be your call for a Prada product. Prada is a fashion luxury company founded by the Italian designer Mario Prada. The original fashion house was established in Milan, Italy in 1913. Its first products were only bags, shoes, and leather products.
Upon the death of Mario, his granddaughter, Miuccia Prada, took over. At first, people would not have expected Miuccia to pull the job off for she was a mime artist and had a PhD in political science, areas that are so far from the areas of arts. However, she proved to everybody that she could do it and she did. She turned the company into a focused fashion company which produced ready-to-wear haute couture collection. This rose Prada to worldwide fame as a luxury brand. Its sales especially went up when people seemed to be inspired by the movie “Devil Wears Prada.” In an effort to address the needs of the younger fashionistas, Miuccia created the Miu Miu line of fashion intended for the young at more affordable prices. The company currently offers fashion for men and women, bags, shoes, perfumes, skincare, and accessories.
For even more affordable prices, you can choose to buy replica products that look similar to the original Prada products. For instance, you can have a Prada messenger fake bag or you can still buy an affordable authentic Prada brand from the Miu Miu line. There are also other choices such as the Fairy Bag, Jacquard Doctor Bag, Tessuto S Tote, and other products such as totes, nylon bags, and wallets.