Balenciaga bags started out with the imagination and creativity of the Spanish designer Cristobal Balenciaga. His first shop was opened in 1915 and he already had wealthy loyal customers which served as the firm foundation of his then small business. It was in Paris where Balenciaga unveiled his bags and these bags caught the attention of Vogue which called Balenciaga as the “flame of prophecy.”
Balenciaga bags are not worn by just anybody else. They have made loyal royalties as their customers were in the person of the Duchess of Windsor, the Queen of Spain, and Princess Grace of Monaco. The celebrity fans of the bags consist of the Olsen twins, Madonna, Nicky Hilton, Lindsay Lohan, Sienna Miller, and more.
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What started out the success and the rise to fame of Balenciaga bags are the “Lariat,” the motorcycle bag. Today, Balenciaga bags belong to the Gucci Group. The bags are available in five basic sizes, as arranged from smallest to biggest – First, City, Work, Weekender, and Twiggy. These bags are also offered in different interesting colors, such as green apple, chocolate, and deep red.
For more affordable bags, you can buy replica Balenciaga bags or so called knockoff Balenciaga imitation bags which are also available in different colors and sizes so you will have to choose wisely. You can buy a motorcycle bag. You can also have the Balenciaga Arena Giant Envelope Clutch. This is a bag that will be risky to take on an evening occasion, which will thus get people’s attention. If you want the authentic products, wait for them to go on sale and immediately look at the prices of purses or clutch bags. Gucci replicas , Balenciaga replicas , Botkier replica , Chloe replica and even